This review was written subjectively by me. Containing my thoughts and extremely high potential of spoiler. Reading this doesn't make you hate this movie, doesn't make you happy either. And im cryin' like a bitch while writing this review.

Directed and Written by David Lowery.
Staring Casey Affleck and Rooney Mara.
97 minutes length.
And perfectly written and beautifully shot.
p.s. this movie is not a horror movie. It is about a deep meaning of life, of existence. Explaining something big in a scoop that small. Creating real pain, suffer and sadness just to watch. Mostly this movie is speaking;

"The life that we live today was very short. And once you're gone, the entire thing you left behind is still moving on. Doesn't stop for a goddamn second. No one would really die for you. You're all alone."

This movie was about a story of a ghost. Like, literally. A husband and wife who lives in a house, nice house in a lonely neighborhood. The husband is a songwriter who doesn't make much money to make a good living, but love is something that keep them together. 

One day, the husband dies and leaves the wife alone with no one to love. The husband later become spirit, actually a ghost like something we used to scare our siblings using a blanket to cover our body and make a pair of holes for eyes. 
The husband refuse to go to the next world and chose to meet his wife. And seeing his wife doesn't make him feel  better ( actually i'm finding the right word for arwah penasaran but i found nothing, so, yeah ). Seeing his beloved one sad and living in his memories just make him more suffer, but still couldn't leave.
And apparently, his wife found someone new. Once, his wife brought a guy, new guy to the house and kissed that guy like no one watching. The anger, pain and suffer make the entire house shook, makes her feeling the presence of her beloved one. 
The wife decided to leave the house just like the her and her husband plan to do shortly before his death. Before moving, She left something like a note in a peace of paper on the house, somewhere that hard to reach. Her-Ghost-Husband watch her leaving and try to reaching the note for years.

Time, is something that run so fast when being a ghost. He sees people come and go leaving the house just for reaching the note. Until time hit him back to past, time where everything starts. And bring him back at the time when he left her wife forever. He read what written on that piece of paper and He leaves the life of this world shortly after that.

This movie genuinely hits me hard. Make me feel a deeper emotions of sadness and complete pain of lost just to watch this movie, and deeper after i think about it. 
This movie contain a minimalist dialog and i didn't mean its less, But perfectly placed. And there's lot of scene that contain a long still scene that really hit right in the feels. The cinematography was really cool and doesn't like usual. It use 4:3 ratio with rounded edges and makes this movie not like an usual movie and this is a good thing.